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Boost your business, boost your progress

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

Use points to buy boosters and Level Up your business! Make sure to unlock more boosters as your points grow. 

What do boosters do?

Improve your business!

Choose the ones that work best for you to help you Level Up like a champ!

Where are they?

Head to your homepage and look for the little boxes surrounding your main building - those are your boosters!

Home Page Highlighting All Upgrade Icons

Each category has several booster options, SELECT its box to see them all!

Booster progress

See any red circles on your categories? Those show how many boosters are unlocked and ready to buy, great job!

Want to know how close you are to unlocking them all? Check out the progress bar underneath each booster to see the percentage you’ve already purchased. 

Upgrade Icon with Progress Bar Zoomed In

When boosters become available

As soon as you've earned enough points, certain boosters will become available!

Boosters are easier to get in the beginning as some need fewer points. When no more affordable boosters are available, a message like this will appear (bottom of homepage)

Play Now button with Mission Bar

Since you earn points even when you aren't playing, you'll sometimes see a time-down counter instead of a mission which will tell you when you can afford the next booster.

Like the message suggests, play more to get the next booster sooner!

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