You can customize your LemonadeLXP to include more than one language! Add translations to your content so learners can interact with things in the language of their choosing, all thanks to you.
To start, ADD the compatible language(s) you want to include in your instance, then read on!
Translating your stuff
Prepare in advance
When preparing your instance for another language, we recommend having all of your translations ready to go. This way, you can rapidly input all content to ensure everything is translated quickly, and all your training games are ready to play right away for learners who choose to view the site in that language.
Translate and review Step content as you go
Once you start adding Step content in an alternate language, take advantage of the import button!
Skills, Steps, Courses, and Certifications
While in your chosen content's Wizard, look to the top-right to find the language selection bar:
The language you're currently writing stuff for will be the one shown!
When you want to add content in a different available language:
SELECT the bar
CHOOSE the language
From here, you'll have to go through each step of the Wizard again, inputting everything in the new language. This includes each Step's game content - be sure you include those translations too so learners have something to play!
Note: Courses won't appear in the second language's Course library until they've been translated, and Steps that haven't been translated will cause the Course it's part of to be unplayable. Always check your translation work on the learner side to ensure everything appears as it should!
Import existing Step content and simplify your translation efforts
Once you start adding Step content in an alternate language, take advantage of the import button!
Existing content in the language of your choice will be imported, making it easier to translate as you go! You can also import content to ensure your prepared translations are put into the correct spot (e.g., Question 1 in English should match Question 1 in French).
Note: the import button is available for text-based Step types such as MultiChoice and True or False — other non-text-based ones such as Scenario and Demo cannot be imported due to the nature of those Steps.
Much like the previous section, "Booster Game" has a drop-down menu where you can select the language you're editing You'll find it under "Booster Store" and "Variables:"
Once selected:
WRITE all your translated content in the fields
Groups are a bit different. Rather than use a drop-down menu, the language variations are requested in the Step Wizard's main entry page:
For those who have Digital Academy in their LemonadeLXP package, you'll find the language selection option beside the ON/OFF DA activation button.
Once changed, all text fields, along with all demos, simulations and videos, can be added in the chosen language.
Bonus tips!
select languages are compatible with LemonadeLXP - ask your LemonadeLXP rep for more details!
add your new language first - you won't see it if you don't!
always save your stuff (and close any additional editor tabs you may have open) before you switch languages
LemonadeLXP doesn't automatically translate - that's up to you!
have your translations ready-to-go for seamless integration
if you include another language but don't translate your content, LemonadeLXP won't work properly in that language
check your work - go through your materials as a learner in your new language to ensure it looks the way it should!