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Booster Game Settings

Change the learner's side of LemonadeLXP to look the way you want!

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

Want to change the look of your LemonadeLXP? Time for a makeover/reset?

Head to /admin, then:


  • SELECT "Booster Game"

Menu bar Settings/Booster Game highlighted

From here, you can customize the overall theme of the learner's side of LemonadeLXP. Change visual stuff like the background and booster icons, and build a new theme by renaming and redefining boosters and pillars to match. So long as you keep some key image sizing in mind, you can customize the look of your own LemonadeLXP easily!

Booster Game Menu Bar

To do this, CHOOSE any of the available options to get started:

We also have a handy Booster Game Template you can download and use to help you create your own theme!

Landing Page

Booster Game Settings for Landing Page

Look familiar? The Landing Page is the learner's homepage! It's the first thing they see when they log in, and the place they'll visit the most. (Aside from their Course library, of course!)

The Landing Page changes the look of:

  • the background

  • the businesses building

Before you begin, use the drop-down menu to view each Level and see just how Levelling Up affects these visuals. Notice that each Level increase has a visual representation of the businesses growth and location?

Background and Building Progression Images for Levels 2, 3 and 4

When selecting and creating images, make sure to:

  • show the growth of the business and background for each Level

  • keep the same theme (always in mountain area, always a bank)

  • prepare each leve's images before changing them

Once you're ready to go, repeat from Level 1 (lowest) all the way to the top!:

  • SELECT the drop-down menu to select the Level you'll change

  • SELECT the background or building image

  • FIND the replacement image in your computer

  • SELECT the image

There's no "Save" button here - once you change something, it automatically updates in LemonadeLXP! 

Booster Store

Booster Store Category and Language Options with First Booster Image and Title

To match your main theme from your Landing Page changes, you'll want to update your boosters and pillars too!

The Booster Store lets you change:

  • booster and pillar images

  • names of boosters and pillars

  • details of each booster type

The actual booster types will stay the same, you're just changing the look and information on each one!

To change the pillar you wish to edit:

  •  SELECT the drop-down menu to choose a category

The page will change to show the pillar at the top, with all the boosters it contains underneath:

Booster Category with Attached Upgrade Options

To change titles and descriptions:

  • SELECT the text you want to change

  • WRITE your replacement text

To change images:

  • SELECT the image you wish to change

  • FIND the replacement image in your computer

  • SELECT the image

Remember to keep it thematic! If a pillar focuses on Plumbing, it wouldn't make sense to include boosters for electrical stuff.

Some character limits (including spaces) to keep in mind:

  • Pillar/Channel Name = 32 characters

  • Pillar/Channel Short Name = 10 characters

  • Booster Name = 32 characters

  • Booster Description = 255 characters

  • Upgrade Name = 210 characters


Booster Game Variables with Language Selection and Current Variables

Next, you can change the names of key things learners will interact with!

Variables lets you change the name of:

  • what they're trying to grow (a bank, fundraiser, flower, anything!)

  • the currency they buy boosters with (points, money, donations)

  • what they need to earn currency (clients, stocks, good deeds)

  • The name of their robot guide (Tobot, Tinny, Steve)

To change these:

  • SELECT your language from the drop-down menu

  • EDIT TEXT in any of the fields

  • "SAVE" to complete

Tour Guide

Fun fact: you can customize other aspects of Tobot as well! Check out our Customizing Your Tobot tutorial for more!

Reset Progress

Should you wish to bring all your learners back to "the beginning" of their LLXP journey, or simply want to "even the odds" for all your newest learners, you can do so by resetting their progress!

Simply hit the "Reset Progress" button to reset your learner's Booster Game progress!

Note: since all of your learners will be brought back to "zero", the Leaderboard will also "reset" by proxy.

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