You created some Groups and realized that you need to change something, whoops! Good thing you're able to edit and remove Groups as you need!
Find your Group
Under /admin:
SELECT "Groups"
TYPE the Group name into the search bar (top-right corner)
SELECT "enter" on your keyboard
FIND the Group you want to tweak
To change details for an existing Group:
MOUSE-OVER its box
SELECT the pencil icon
EDIT information
It will always go to the first step of the process, so be sure to SELECT "NEXT" until you can "SAVE" at the end!
Note: to add/remove learners in a Group, head to "LEARNERS," "Enrollment" and edit that learner's details to do so!
When you want to completely remove a Group:
MOUSE-OVER the box
SELECT the trash icon
CONFIRM to never see it again
REMEMBER! Deletion is permanent! Everything associated with it will disappear, so make sure you definitely don't want it before it's gone for good.
Hot Tip
Changing Your Group Name
When changing your Group's name, be sure to change it on both the "Group Details" and "Name Translations" sections of the Group editor for a seamless and consistent switch!