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Replay Throttle and Anti-Step Abuse

Keep rewards on-par with an over-eager learner's development

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

Each time a learner completes a graded Step, they will earn Happy Clients based on its difficulty rating. Whether it's their 1st, 10th, or 100th play-through, their efforts will always be rewarded.

While occasional review is encouraged, learners who excessively repeat a Step in a short amount of time is not. That's where both Replay Throttle and Anti-Abuse Video Safeguard comes in!

- Anti-Abuse Video Safeguard -

When enabled, this feature will request the learner to complete a CAPTCHA each time they try to rewatch the same Video Step once they've passed 'x' number of plays. This prevents them from setting up an endless video playback loop and ensures that they are actually present for each additional viewing of the Video.

- Replay Throttle -

By reducing potential rewards within a set time-frame, learners won't be tempted to endlessly play a Step they find easy just to Level Up in the game. Instead, they will have to play a variety of Steps a reasonable number times to get the most rewards possible - a better solution for everyone!

And for situations where there's concern that learners are leaving their LLXP open without actively participating in training games, Idle-Timeout is here to monitor their activity!

- Idle-Timeout -

When enabled, users (both learners and admins!) will be warned and subsequently logged out of LLXP if they aren't active in the system within a specified time-frame.

Add an Anti-Abuse Safeguard to Video Steps

To avoid learners endlessly looping a single Video Step in a single day (and accruing rewards every single time), head to /admin, then:


  • SELECT "Config"

  • SELECT "Play Controls" in the Config Wizard

Menu bar Settings/Config and Play Controls highlighted
  • SCROLL DOWN to "Anti-Abuse Video Safeguard"

  • CHECKMARK the box "Enable StepVideo anti-abuse safeguard"

  • ENTER a number of plays allowed in a single day before it takes effect, then SAVE

Anti-abuse video safeguard section

Customize your Replay Throttle

To customize how your LemonadeLXP will reduce rewards, head to /admin, then:


  • SELECT "Config"

  • SELECT "Play Controls" in the Config Wizard

Menu bar Settings/Config and Play Controls highlighted
  • SCROLL DOWN to "Replay Throttle"

From here, fill out the fields the way that works best for you!

Replay throttle section

- Throttle Start -

  • reduce rewards after a certain number of completions

  • the number entered is the last opportunity for a learner to get full rewards (i.e. 5 = up to full rewards for completions 1-5; 10 = up to full rewards for completions 1-10)

- Minimum Grade -

  • reduce rewards only after a learner gets a passable grade

  • goes by number percentage (50 = 50% grade)

- Scan Window -

  • specify time-range to check for repeat plays

  • goes by hours (24 = 24 hours)

  • only applies throttle to Steps completed within the window (e.g. for a 24 hour Scan Window, LemonadeLXP will look at Steps completed between 1 minute and 24 hour ago only)

- Degradation -

  • the number of plays it takes to reach the lowest reward of 1 Happy Client (gradual reduction = high number; quick reduction = low number)

How it all works together

- Setting it up -

Let's say you want learners to have at least a passing grade of 50% before their rewards are reduced. 

  • Minimum Grade = 50

You also feel that 5 plays is more than enough for someone to replay and understand the material in one sitting.

  • Throttle Start = 5

To support their willingness to play more, while also giving a firm nudge that they should move on to another Step, you decide to reduce their rewards moderately.

  • Degradation = 5

You feel learners should wait 1 day before they can replay a Step and get its full rewards again.

  • Scan Window = 24

- Putting it into action -

With these rules, rewards will moderately reduce once a Step:

  • is played within the previous 24 hours

  • gets a score of 50% or more

  • is played an additional 5 times

Let's say it's a Step that typically rewards up to 10 Happy Clients. After 5 additional plays, the reward for each subsequent play-through within the 24-hour span will reduce like so:

  • 6th =  8 clients

  • 7th =  6 clients

  • 8th =  4 clients

  • 9th =  2 clients

  • 10th, 11th, and so on = 1 client each play

Bonus Tips!

  • the lowest possible reward for a completed Step is 1 Happy Client

  • Replay Throttle affects every Step in LemonadeLXP, no extra work required!

Add Idle-Timeout to Your LLXP

If you have regulatory compliance requirements that require idle-session timeouts, you can set these up to your expectations! Simply:

  • SCROLL DOWN to "Idle-Timeout"

  • ENTER the "Maximum authentication duration, in minutes"

  • ENTER the "Idle modal warning period, in minutes"

  • SAVE your changes

Idle-Timeout screen

Keep in mind that this will affect both learners and admins!

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