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Extracting Information - Reports

Download PDF/CSV reports straight from your LemonadeLXP!

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

Authorized admins can download PDFs and CSV reports from the Analytics section of LemonadeLXP!

Simply log in to the /admin side, then:


  • SELECT "Reports"

Analytics Reports menu option highlighted

This will open up several Report Type options for you - simply select the one you want from the left-side menu and away you go!

Reports home page

Want a more interactive overview? Check out our reports tutorials in our own Digital Academy!

You can also customize select privacy settings for your exports to ensure you're addressing privacy needs!

Select the report you wish to view:

Academy Demo Shares

Academy Demo Shares

Your Academy Demo Shares will show you which Digital Academy tutorials have been shared, by whom, and when!

To get that report:

  • ENTER the From Date you want to start the search for

  • ENTER the To Date for when you want the search to stop

  • SELECT "Download" and view your report once downloaded!

To enforce the privacy of your public users' email information, you can opt to obscure their email addresses when content shares are recorded automatically.

To do so:

  • GO TO SETTINGS, then Config in your admin panel

  • SCROLL down until you find the section "Privacy Settings"

  • CHECKMARK the box that says "Objuscate the email address of public Digital Academy share recipients"

  • SAVE to finish

Admin Permissions

Certification Aggregate main page

This one is pretty self-explanatory. Get a CSV that lists all the permissions that each of your admins has!

To download this report, all you need to do is:

  • SELECT "Download"!

Certification Aggregate

This report provides detailed completion data for assorted Certifications as of a specified date.

To obtain this report:

  • CHOOSE the date you wish to review

  • SELECT the Certifications you want to include

  • SELECT "Download" and view your report once downloaded!

Certification Completion, Dynamic

Certification Completion, Dynamic main page

Certification Completion, Dynamic will show you how select users are progressing in their Dynamic Certifications!

To get that report:

  • CHOOSE the Dynamic Certification you want to review

  • CHOOSE the Certification period for the time frame you wish to view

  • CHOOSE the status you want to review

  • SELECT "Download" and view your report once downloaded!

Certification Completion, Standard

Certification Completion Progress

Certification Completion, Standard will show you how select users are progressing in the Certification of your choice!

To get that report:

  • CHOOSE the Certification you want to review

  • CHOOSE the Certification period for the time frame you wish to view

  • CHOOSE the status you want to review

  • CHOOSE the Group you want to focus on

  • SELECT "Download" and view your report once downloaded!

Certifications Audit

Certifications Audit main page

Your Certifications Audit collects all users' progress within each specified Certification and time frame for at-a-glance reference.

To get that report:

  • CHOOSE the Certification you want to view via the "Please select a certification" drop-down menu

  • CHOOSE the "certification period" time frame from the drop-down menu

  • SELECT "Download" and view your report once downloaded!

Contest Entries

Contest Entries main page

Curious about how much activity your Contest has achieved? The Contest Entries report has you choose the contest's name to generate a report for you!

To obtain this report:

  • CHOOSE the Contest's name from the "Select a Contest" drop-down menu

  • SELECT "Download" and view your report!

Course Catalog

Course Catalog main page

Get a summary of all the Courses that exist in your LLXP! The Course Catalog report lets you choose the language to review to generate a report!

To obtain this report:

  • CHOOSE the Language you want to review Courses for

  • SELECT "Download" and view your report!

Course Questions

Course Questions main page

Course Questions will have you choose one course, creating a report that displays all questions and answer options for every step within that course. Bonus: correct answer options will be highlighted!

For this report:

  • CHOOSE the course you want a report for

  • CHOOSE the language

  • SELECT "Download" and view your report!

Dynamic Certifications Audit

Dynamic Certifications Audit main page

Use Dynamic Certifications Audit to check your learners' dynamic Certification progress within a specified period. The report includes all steps taken and an appendix of material seen during the process.

To obtain this report:

  • CHOOSE the Certification you need to audit

  • CHOOSE the Certification period for the time frame you wish to view

  • SELECT "Download" and view your report!

Leaderboard Export

Leaderboard Export main page

Your Leaderboard Export will show you how your Group's learners are doing in the BoosterGlue side of LemonadeLXP, including their Level, and the number of Happy Clients and Points they have!

To get that report:

  • CHOOSE the Group you want to look into

  • SELECT "Download" and view your report once downloaded!

Learner Step Activity Data

Learner Step Activity Data main page

When you need to feed user activity into a secondary LMS-like system, or if you wish to view all their play data in a single report, Learner Step Activity Data summarizes all grades earned by your users for every Step they've played between the dates you specify.

For this report:

  • SELECT the first date you wish to include in your date range

  • SELECT the last date of your preferred date range

  • CHOOSE whether you want to view all attempts of each user or simply focus on the maxima (the best grade for each user)

  • INCLUDE one user, specific groups, or everyone

  • ADD Steps from Courses, or add Steps directly

  • REVIEW the steps that will be included in your report

  • SELECT "Download" and view your report!

Learner-Based Skill Export

Learner-Based Skill Export main page

For those that have embraced the inclusion of Skills, track and confirm your user groups' progress with specific Skills via this report!

For this report:

  • CHOOSE the user group you wish to view via the drop-down menu

  • SELECT the Skill name you want to focus on

  • SELECT "Download" and view your report!

Step Activity Audit with Serialization Appendix

Step Activity Audit With Serialization Appendix main page

Get a complete summary of each Step's activity, itemized by their serialization (version), with the Step Activity Audit With Serialization Appendix report!

To obtain this report:

  • SELECT the first date you wish to include in your date range

  • SELECT the last date of your preferred date range

  • CHOOSE whether you want to view all attempts of each user or simply focus on the maxima (the best grade for each user)

  • INCLUDE one user, specific groups, or everyone

  • ADD Steps from Courses, or add Steps directly

  • REVIEW the steps that will be included in your report

  • SELECT "Download" and view your report!

Step Catalog

Step Catalog main page

Get a summary of all the Steps that exist in your LLXP! The Step Catalog report lets you choose the language to review to generate a report!

To obtain this report:

  • CHOOSE the Language you want to review Steps for

  • SELECT "Download" and view your report!

Step Version

Step Version Report main page

Get a summary of activity within a Step's version through this report!

To obtain this report:

  • CHOOSE the Step you want to review

  • SELECT the Step's serialization (version)

  • CHOOSE whether you want to view all attempts of each user or simply focus on the maxima (the best grade for each user)

  • DECIDE whether to limit it to a particular Course or include all instances of it (for when a Step is included in more than one Course)

  • INCLUDE one user, specific groups, or everyone

  • SELECT "Download" and view your report!

User Last Activity

User Last Activity main page

Check User Last Activity to see which users haven't been active and how long it's been since their last login or activity.

To download this report, all you need to do is:

  • SELECT "Download"!

Large Reports

When you request a report, LemonadeLXP will first calculate the expected "size" of the data. If the report and configuration are deemed "large," processing is offloaded to a background report grinder. In these cases, you will see a green notification that tells you the report was too large and that you will receive an email with download instructions momentarily.

Three crucial constraints on using these download links:

  • This link is only usable by you; for example, the email cannot be shared to "pass the report around."

  • You must be logged in to LemonadeLXP for the download link to work.

  • This link is only available for a limited amount of time. Download your report promptly.

Downloading Large Reports

Some report types can yield a massive amount of data, for example, the Step Activity Report; we've seen singular months generate upward of 200 megs each with some of our clients!

LemonadeLXP will happily serve these substantial downloads! We have an armada of servers on a 10gbps network that can distribute the send.

It can happen, however, that your home or work network conditions can create a failure in the transmission because of slow network speeds. If you are having trouble downloading very large amounts of data, consider these helpful tips:

  • Are you working on WiFi? Consider moving to an Ethernet connection to eliminate WiFi connectivity issues (disable WiFi after connecting to Ethernet to ensure that your OS is not using WiFi after the fact).

  • Are you downloading or streaming other content at the same time? Consider pausing those activities during your large download so your bandwidth is not divided.

  • Are you working from home and are forced to tunnel through a VPN in your work-from-home arrangement? Consider disconnecting from the VPN for the download since the VPN tunnel can create a chokepoint for your connection and bandwidth (LemonadeLXP will still work since it is on the public cloud).

If you've done these things and are still having trouble with your network or connection, consider reducing the timespan of your report and generating several smaller reports. Smaller file sizes will give computers on more fragile networks a better chance of downloading all the data.

Related Tags: Download Reports, Analytics Reports

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