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The Role of Group Administrator
The Role of Group Administrator

What exactly is a "Group administrator" and what do they do?

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

Group administrators are individual users that don't have full admin privileges but do have limited access to admin-side analytics for their own designated Groups!

To become a Group administrator, the user must first be set up as a Group admin by one of their LemonadeLXP admins. Once that happens, Group admins can view all available analytics related to their given Groups!

Accessing Your Group's Analytics

To access those analytics, Group admins must add "/admin" to their instance's URL, like so:


When they do, they'll land on their own custom admin panel giving them access to analytics for their Groups:

Group admin analytics dashboard header

There, Group admins can review statistics by each Group they're an admin for, as well as view data for each individual learner within their Groups!

Interpreting the Data

Though Group admins will only see the analytics for their own assigned Groups, the data presented is otherwise identical to what LemonadeLXP admins can see!

What do all those graphs mean on the dashboard? Check out the admin article "Analyzing Your Analytics - Dashboard"!

Group admin analytics dashboard

How about the stats found in the "Learners" tab? Find your answers in the "Analyzing Your Analytics - Learners" admin article!

Group admin learner analytics
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