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Analyzing Your Analytics - Learners Summary
Analyzing Your Analytics - Learners Summary

A more thorough look at a learner's play-by-play

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

When you're under /admin, "ANALYTICS," "Learners," and you want to see more details for a particular learner, SELECT their name! A breakdown of their stats will pop up with even more data!


Overview of Learner with Stats

View their profile summary to see:

  • last time they logged in (UTC)

  • number of times they've written feedback

  • number of comments they've left

Understand how interactive they've been through:

  • total time they've spent playing in LemonadeLXP

  • number of days they've played

  • number of Steps played

Gauge their progress and content knowledge:

  • "Baseline Knowledge" shows their initial understanding of played training game (COMPARE with "Current Knowledge" to see if they're getting better)

  • "Average Grade" includes all complete and incomplete Courses (COMPARE number of correct versus incorrect answers)

Learner Ranking

Learner Ranking Comparative Bar Chart
  • VIEW learner's Course grade ranking compared with every other learner

  • MOUSE-OVER bars for total number of learners in each 5% tier

  • CONSIDER Course averages to gauge learner's overall success

Related Tags: Learners Profile Analytics, Understanding Learners Data

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