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Complexity Index Guide

Step difficulty levels aren't all that complex

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

When creating a Step, a level of difficulty needs to be assigned to determine the maximum potential reward your learners can earn when they successfully complete it. Fewer rewards for simple stuff, and mega rewards for really hard ones!

This handy guide will help you decide which difficulty level to choose for each of your Steps, so learners will be rewarded appropriately for the hard (or not so hard) work they put in. 

Super Simple

Base reward: up to 5 Happy Clients

Type of work:

  • easiest of the bunch

  • basic, straightforward content

  • learner will recall facts, definitions, terms, etc. 

  • stuff like: videos and links, habitual actions

Minor Work

Difficulty: ★ ★
Base reward: up to 6 Happy Clients

Type of work:

  • takes very little work

  • content should require the learner to consider more than one answer

  • try not to include any trick questions

  • keep most of the answers short  
    stuff like: non-habitual actions

Some Work

Difficulty: ★ ★ ★
Base reward: up to 7 Happy Clients

  • requires learner to do a bit of work

  • content should stimulate the learner to think deeply and consider multiple options, while remaining specific

  • stuff like: process content

Requires Deep Thought

Difficulty: ★ ★ ★ ★
Base reward: up to 9 Happy Clients

  • requires the learner to use multiple disciplines

  • content should be thought-provoking

  • trick questions can be used to encourage strategic thinking

  • stuff like: analytical content 

Expert Task

Difficulty: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Base reward: up to 12 Happy Clients

  • the most difficult task level

  • content should be detailed and complex

  • should require conceptual understanding (the selection of one approach among alternatives)

  • stuff like: technical content

Customize Step Difficulty Names

Change the name of each difficulty level to set the tone of your instance as you see fit!

Adjust Replay Value

Want to limit or reduce available rewards for repeated Step plays in a set time-frame? Throttle repeat rewards through your Config panel!

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