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Our New Admin Panel

Welcome to a Better Admin Experience (BETA)

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

Our developers have been working tirelessly to create the next generation LemonadeLXP administrative area. And now, the first BETA iteration is officially available for those who wish to opt in!

New LLXP Administrative Area

Interested in checking it out? Talk with your CSM to get started!

Note that Super Admin permissions are required to access the new administrative area.

More admin options will become available in the new area as they are developed. Please do utilize both the new area alongside our "Version One" admin panel to address all your LLXP needs as we venture into the future!

Yellow separator line


Discover new apps and tools that are currently available, learn what they do for you, and connect the ones you want to your own LemonadeLXP!


All your LLXP Settings have migrated to the new administrative area, from Branding and Messaging Controls, to Anti-Abuse Safeguards and your own customized Terms of Use.

Message Center

This feature will ensure that anytime your Digital Academy content is shared via email, your own customized text will override the system's default content!

Note that this feature works alongside our original Admin Panel's Public Shares options and settings.

Certification Explorer

Need to generate a Certification report? The Certification Explorer can do that for you!

Admin Version One

This will bring you right back to the original admin panel!

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