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Stage 5 - Monitor and Course Correct

Monitor your results and correct with help from LemonadeLXP staff

Joël avatar
Written by Joël
Updated over a week ago

Congratulations, your instance of LemonadeLXP is now live to your learners! Now it's time to monitor and review your results, and make any necessary changes.

Having to revise and edit is all part of the process when creating a new and engaging learner experience.

Quick Progress Check-In

By now you have...

  • A fully functioning instance of LemonadeLXP, compatible with SSO, Firewalls, or other technical requirements

  • Completed all of your on-boarding lessons

  • Created one or more learning plans for your learners and populated your course catalog

  • Have launched your instance to your learners and they have started to complete training

Not there yet? Have a look at Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3, Stage 4.

Stage 5 Checklist

1. Maintain contact and promote engagement with a Post-Launch campaign

2. Monitor results with help from LemonadeLXP's Analytics

3. Gather learner responses to LemonadeLXP (consider using surveys)

4. Meet with LemonadeLXP and discuss your results

Meetings should be scheduled for:

  • 30 days after launch

  • 60 days after launch

  • 80 days after launch

5. Correct as needed and continue monitoring results

And there you have it! Your instance of LemonadeLXP is now ready for success.

The heavy lifting is done, but your role as a LemonadeLXP admin is far from over. The hole has been dug, the tree has been planted and starting to grow, but you must continue to water it.

Here are a few ongoing tasks:

  1. Continue to monitor results, making changes as needed

  2. Keep content your up to date

  3. Keep an eye out for learner feedback

  4. Continue to use email notifications, contests, certifications, and more to keep learners engaged

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