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Intermediate Challenge: How Does the Narrative Work?
Intermediate Challenge: How Does the Narrative Work?

Mr. Lemaire doesn't quite get how the boosters work.

Joël avatar
Written by Joël
Updated over a week ago

The Situation:

Mr. Lemaire is claiming that the "Tobot" tutorial isn't going away unless he selects the "I've seen this tutorial before" button.

The Challenge:

Set up an intro course that quizzes people about boosters and points, and have it pop up when users select the "Play now" button during the "How to Play" tutorial.

Need Article Assistance?

Try these ones!:

Just Show Me How!

Follow the steps as shown below...

PART 1: Create OR install steps!

Option A: Create steps

1) Go to "Author"/"Steps" and choose the "+" button to create a new step

2) Configure the step, then choose "Next"

3) Add questions and answers, then "Save"

~ * ~

Option B: Install steps

1) Go to "Author"/"Content Exchange"

2) Find the MultiChoice step called "How to Play LemonadeLXP", then choose "Install"

3) Go to "Author"/"Steps", "Edit" your new "How to Play LemonadeLXP" step, then revise as needed and "Save"

PART 2: Create an intro course!

1) Go to "Author"/"Courses" and choose the "+" button to create a new course

2) Configure the course, making sure to choose "Intro" as your course category, then choose "Next"

3) Add your steps from PART 1, then choose "Next"

4) Choose your learner group, then select "Publish the course immediately" and "Save"


By setting the course's Category as "Intro," learners who go through Tobot's tutorial will automatically be sent to the first step of your new intro course when they select the "How to Play" button!

Want to try another one? Check out our other challenges in our Learning Library!

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