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Intermediate Challenge: There's No Time!
Intermediate Challenge: There's No Time!

Mr. Lemaire needs some training in the system yesterday!

Joël avatar
Written by Joël
Updated over a week ago

The Situation:

Mr. Lemaire's crew is getting restless! To make things worse, you don't have any resources OR the budget to build something from scratch! What will you do?! What will you do?!?!

The Challenge:

Get some training in your LemonadeLXP ASAP!

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Try these ones!:

Just Show Me How!

Follow the steps as shown below...

PART 1: Install ready-to-go steps!

1) Find the Help Center article "Steps on Content Exchange" to view our ready-to-install steps and note the course set(s) you want in your LemonadeLXP

Finding "Steps on Content Exchange" article

2) In the admin panel, go to "Author"/"Content Exchange"

Head to Author/Content Exchange

3) Find the course set(s) you wish to get

Scrolling down the Content Exchange library

4) Install each step of the course(s)

Installing each step from "Intro to DEI" course set

5) Go to "Author"/"Steps" and "Edit" each of your new steps, then revise as needed and "Save"

From Author/Steps, editing new DEI step

PART 2: Create your course!

1) Go to "Author"/"Courses" and choose the "+" button to create a new course

Creating a new course

2) Configure the course, then choose "Next"

Configuring a new course

3) Add your steps from PART 1, then choose "Next"

Adding steps to the course

4) Choose your learner group, then select "Publish the course immediately" and "Save"

Assigning course to learner group, then publishing immediately

Learning in a Snap!

Mr. Lemaire's crew is thrilled to have some training content to play, and the best part? There's lots more content in the Content Exchange that's ready to be installed at a moment's notice, whenever you need it!

Want to try another one? Check out our other challenges in our Learning Library!

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