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Basic Challenge: Trigger Happy!

Learners are feeling intimidated!

Joël avatar
Written by Joël
Updated over a week ago

The Situation:

It seems that your learners feel intimidated when everything is available right away!

The Challenge:

Have it such that an intro course unlocks a few other ones!

(Hint: If a course is meant to unlock via a trigger, make sure it isn't published.)

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Just Show Me How!

Follow the steps as shown below...

PART 1: Create an intro course!

1) Go to "Author"/"Courses" and choose "+" to create a new course

2) Configure the course, then choose "Next"

3) Add appropriate steps to the course, then choose "Next"

4) Assign course to learner group(s), then choose "Publish this course immediately" and "Save"

PART 2: Set up your "unlockable" trigger courses!

1) Go to "Author"/"Courses", find your trigger course and choose "edit"

2) Head to the last page, choose "Do not publish at this time", then "Save"

(You need to make sure the course isn't published. When someone sets off the trigger, it will autopublish for them, thus making it accessible. We will create the trigger in the next section.)

3) Repeat for each additional course you wish to make into an unlock able trigger course

PART 3: Create your trigger!

1) Go to "Automate"/"Triggers", then choose the "+" button to create a new trigger

2) Enter a title, then choose "Learner completes specific courses" in the "This occurs when" drop-down

3) Find and add your intro course from PART 1 to the "Courses required by trigger" list, then choose "Next"

4) Add the same group from PART 1, then choose "Next"

Bonus tip: if you want a trigger to apply to all your learners, regardless of which group they're in, don't add any groups here and keep this section blank!

5) Find and add the trigger courses you set up from PART 2, choose "Next", then "Save"

6) Enable your new trigger

Automation is that easy!

Of the courses you accessed and created, your learners will only see the intro course... at first! Thanks to the trigger you set up, once they complete the intro course, the associated "unlockable" trigger courses will reveal themselves, helping pace the learner's journey and keeping them feeling comfortable.

Want to try another one? Check out our other challenges in our Learning Library!

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