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The (Step) Human Touch

How to include 1-on-1 and group teaching moments in your LemonadeLXP

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

There's nothing quite like having your very own mentor. It gives learning that extra personal touch while also connecting learners with someone to check-in with (and ask questions if they need to). With Human Step, this can be achieved (and included) in your LemonadeLXP!

Human Step is a Step that connects learners with mentors. There are three great connection options to choose from within this "hands-on" Step:

  • One-on-one meeting, without assessment;

  • One-on-one meeting, with assessment, and,

  • Group meeting, using a Connection Code.

Whether you want a learner to quickly meet or touch base with their mentor, get them assessed, or have them attend a group meeting (and prove they went), these can all be done with the Human Step!

One-On-One, Without Assessment

When it's time for a learner to meet a mentor, this Step option will start the process!

How it works:

Learners will be asked to email a mentor (chosen from a list included in the Step) to schedule a meeting. The mentor will receive their email and schedule an appointment with the learner. They'll then meet to discuss the topic at hand.

To mark the Step as complete:

One-On-One, With Assessment

Whether you wish to check-in on how a learner is doing in LemonadeLXP-based content, or confirm their progress in another aspect of the company, including an assessment with their one-on-one will do the trick!

How it works:

Learners will be asked to contact a mentor to schedule a meeting and the mentor will follow up with an appointment. They will meet and the mentor will assess the learner during that time.

To mark the Step as complete:

Group Meeting, Using a Connection Code

Should a mentor prefer to teach an entire group at once, this option is best!

How it works:

Learners must attend the group meeting to complete this Step. To prove they went, the mentor will provide an attendance code that the learner must enter in their own LemonadeLXP. Once they do, they're rewarded in the game!

The mentor can generate one (or several) codes in their user profile before the group meeting. They can then include them in teaching content that learners will only get or see if they attend, such as presentation slides or workshop hand-outs.

To mark the Step as complete:

  • The learner must enter their attendance code in their LemonadeLXP.

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