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Customize Learner Comments and Performance Graphs

Make one, all, or none available for your learner

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

In addition to creating Steps and Courses, you can further customize them by:

  • enabling or disabling a learner's ability to comment on and rate Steps

  • showing or hiding graphs summarizing a learner's performance after completing a Step

To tweak these, head over to /admin and:


  • SELECT "Config"

Menu bar Settings/Config highlighted
  • SELECT "Next"

The second page of the Config Wizard is where we need to be!

Steps and Courses options

Step Comments

  • check the box so learners can privately submit written feedback for Steps

  • uncheck to remove this option (learners cannot comment - only star ratings allowed)

Step Ratings

  • check the box to remove Step and Course star ratings

  • leave unchecked to allow learners to leave public star ratings for Steps

Performance Graph

This graph appears after a learner completes a Step. It's a visual summary of how well (or poorly) they've been doing with that Step.

  • keep the "Hide Performance Graph" box unchecked to include the appearance of this graph after every Step playthrough

  • check it to hide the graph (it won't pop up after a Step is completed)

Course Grade Badge

  • check the box to remove Course grade badges

  • leave unchecked so learners can see their average grade in each Course

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