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Learner Ratings

How learners can rate Steps

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

In addition to playing the games themselves, learners have the opportunity to give feedback on Steps!

Learners can choose to:

  • leave a star rating

  • directly message the Step's author

  • both!

This is a great way to gauge how well (or poor) a Step is being received, and is easily accessed by learners on the Step's own page:

Step Page Highlighting Star Rating and Leave Feedback Options

Star Ratings

  • ranges from 1 star (poor) to 5 stars (excellent!)

  • only Steps can be rated

  • the average rating for each Step  is contributed to the Course's overall rating

  • learners can choose, change their mind, and even remove their rating

  • can be seen by any learner who can play that Step

Leaving Feedback

  • learners can directly message the Step's author with their thoughts

  • message is private and can only be seen by the learner and author

  • opportunity to understand exactly what learners think

  • does not affect the Step's or Course's star rating

Pay Attention!

  • don’t ignore your learner's ratings!

  • use ratings to continuously improve the training experiences you create

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