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How to Create a Contest

Include contests within your LemonadeLXP platform!

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

Access your /admin dashboard, then:

  • SELECT "AUTHOR" in the main menu

  • SELECT "Contest" in the submenu

  • SELECT the blue circle (upper right) with the "+" sign

Author/Contests with "+" button highlighted

Configure Your Contest

- Image -

- Title -

  • identify the contest's name/theme

- Description -

  • summarize what the contest is for

- Start Date / End Date -

  • select a start date/time and an end date/time

  • start date can be set to a date in the future as an "upcoming" contest

SELECT "Step 2 - Groups" in the right-hand panel.


Choose the learner groups that will be participating in the contest.

Note: once groups are selected, they cannot be changed!

SAVE your contest!

Additional Options

Once you save your contest, additional options will become available!

- Draw -

To draw a winner after your contest ends, select "Draw" on this page - LemonadeLXP will select a candidate on your behalf based on each user's earned entries!

Draw a winner section

If a winner is drawn but cannot be awarded the prize, you can remove them by selecting the "X" beside their name and draw a new winner in their stead,

- API -

Tie rewards into real-world behaviour by including API entries! Add entry types and generate tokens as needed to create additional entry options for your learners.

Note: coding knowledge is necessary when setting up APIs.

Change Contest Labels

If you wish, you can change select contest labels as you see fit!

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