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Intermediate Challenge: Duck Duck Goose
Intermediate Challenge: Duck Duck Goose

Mr. Lemaire is way too confused...

Joël avatar
Written by Joël
Updated over a week ago

The Situation:

Apparently Mr. Lemaire is having trouble applying for an account online.

The Challenge:

Create a round that will help guide him through the process.

Need Article Assistance?

Try these ones!:

Just Show Me How!

Follow the steps as shown below...

PART 1: Collect the screens you'll need to create your Demo!

Collect your screens, create your work flow and scrub your images! It's that easy! Check out our best practices to learn more!

PART 2: Create a Demo step!

1) In the admin panel, go to "Author" then "Steps"

Selecting "Author" then "Steps" in admin platform

2) Select the "+" button to create a new step, and choose the "Demo" step

Starting a new Demo step

3) Configure the step

Configuring the demo step

4) Go to the next page, "Save," then "Launch Demo Editor"

Saving step and launching demo editor

5) For each Demo Stage, add the screenshot, screen name, and hotspot(s) (where the learner needs to select to go to the next page)

Adding an image, screen name, and hot spot to the demo stage

6) Select "Finish" when done, then add an "Exit Summary" that will pop up when the last hotspot is selected on the last Stage. "Save" your Demo step.

Finishing demo edits and adding an exit summary

PART 3: Add Your Demo Step to a Course!

1) Go to "Author"/"Course" and select the edit/pencil icon on the course you wish to add the step to

2) Go to the "Next" page, find and add your new step, then "Save!"

Adding new demo step to an existing course


Mr. Lemaire saw the new step and, after completing it, fully understands what to do. So much so that he's already applying for an account on your website — all by himself!

Want to try another one? Check out our other challenges in our Learning Library!

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