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How to Navigate Boosters

Find your boosters when you need them!

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over 2 years ago

Wondering how those boosters on your homepage work?

Each choice is a themed "set" of boosters relating to your business. When selected, they will open their own booster selection screen!

Upgrades Page with a Single Set of Locked Upgrades

Here you'll find:

  • your current Power Level percentage (number of boosters you've unlocked)

  • all available themed boosters for that set

  • navigation arrows to switch between sets

Cost of Boosters

Every option will have a number of points specified on it - that's the cost of the booster! HOVER over each box to see what you'll get if you buy it.

Several options are available for each type of booster. You'll have to unlock them in order, from the $ cheapest (left) to the $$$ most expensive (right). As you spend more points, you'll get more rewards!

The icons and colours will tell you at-a-glance that you:

  • already purchased it (green checkmark)

  • have enough points to buy it (orange box)

  • don't have enough points yet -or- you need to buy the previous booster first (blue box with lock icon)

Three Upgrades - One Purchased, One Unlocked, and One Locked

Fun fact: when you hover over the ones you've already bought, you can still see what they boosted in your business!

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