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How to Name Courses and Steps

Choose and define Steps and Courses like a pro

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over 2 months ago

The title of each Step and Course is essential for the learner - how else are they going to find what they're looking for?

Answer the "why"

Ask yourself:

  • "Why would a learner seek out this content?"

You'll come up with many questions on their behalf, things like:

  • "How do I deal with tough customers?"

  • "What do I do if I witness workplace harassment?"

Identifying the key things they may look for will be the best starting point to define your Steps and Courses.

Be specific and clear

The content should be obvious when reading the title so learners can find relevant training content easily. Avoid being vague - give a hint as to what exactly the Step or Course is about!

If you were planning to teach learners about workplace harassment...

Course titles:

  • good = "Harass Me Not: What to do About Workplace Harassment"

  • could be better = "How to Deal with Bad Work Situations"

Step titles:

  • good = "Speak Up! Ways You Can Report Harassment"

  • could be better = "Tell Someone About It"

Make it fun and exciting

You want learners to enjoy their learning experience - it's a game-based platform after all! Try naming your content in amusing ways to add that extra touch.

Let's say a learner wants to learn how to deal with difficult customers. Can you see how the fun was added to the following titles?

Course titles:

  • fun = "Customer Service at Your Service"

  • ho-hum = "Customer Service"

Step titles:

  • fun = "I've Fallen and I Can't Get Up: How to Handle Customer Objections"

  • ho-hum = "How to Handle Customer Objections"

Fun names will not only entice learners to take the Course, they'll forget (just a bit) that the Course and Step they're playing are actually teaching them some cool helpful stuff!

Did you know: you can include the true superscript characters for copyright ©, trademark ™, and registered trademark ® in your Step and Course titles! Stay true to your content and include them where needed.

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