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Basic Challenge: Booster

Mr. Lemaire isn't convinced about a particular booster!

Joël avatar
Written by Joël
Updated over a week ago

The Situation:

Mr. Lemaire isn't convinced that the phone channel boosters will resonate with end users.

The Challenge:

He's wondering if you could update the pillar and a few boosters?

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Try these ones!:

Just Show Me How!

Follow the steps as shown below...

1) Go to your "Settings" and find "Booster Game", then select the "Phone" pillar

Admin Panel Booster Game Settings

2) Change the "Phone" pillar description and image

Change Phone Channel Booster Details

3) Change the first booster's name and description

Change Booster Details

4) Change each booster's boost images and descriptions

Booster 1:

Change First Boost

Booster 2:

Change Second Boost

Booster 3:

Change Third Boost

Booster 4:

Change Fourth Boost

The system will automatically save your updates!

Great work!

Mr. Lemaire likes the changes he sees, and is impressed at how quickly you were able to do it!

Want to try another one? Check out our other challenges in our Learning Library!

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