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Basic Challenge: Look and Feel

Mr. Lemaire is a real stickler for branding rules!

Joël avatar
Written by Joël
Updated over a week ago

The Situation:

Mr. Lemaire is a real stickler for branding rules!

The Challenge:

Make sure you update the look and feel of the platform before Mr. Lemaire gets his hands on it!! Once he starts complaining, he never stops!!

Need Article Assistance?

Try this one!:

Just Show Me How!

Follow the steps as shown below...

1) Go to "Settings"/"Config"

Admin panel selecting Settings/Config menu

2) Change your "Company Name"

Admin settings entering company name

3) Upload your logo

Admin settings uploading logo

4) Change your theme

Admin settings changing theme

5) Remember to save your changes!

Admin settings saving changes


Mr. Lemaire will be pleased to see the company's branding in your instance!

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