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Inviting and Adding New Users

Open your doors to new users in all sorts of ways

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

As a LemonadeLXP admin, you are likely tasked with inviting users into the platform. No problem!

- With SSO -

Everything is good to go! SSO will already have each user's information ready upon registration - all they'll have to do is "sign in with SSO" on the main page and that's it!

Just make sure to send your users the link to your instance so they know where to log in!

- Without or With Partial SSO -

If you're not using SSO, or have a mix of SSO and regular registrants, there are four ways for you to invite users:

  • Send new registrants to your instance's main page and have them self-register

  • CSV File - use existing data to create user invitations

  • Self Registration Link - give a link to users so they can register themselves

  • Single User - adding newbies one at a time

The method you choose will depend on:

  • the number of users you need to add

  • how much information you have for each user

  • if users need to be added to several/different Groups

To get started, log in as an /admin and:

  • SELECT “LEARNERS” at the top of the screen

  • SELECT “Manage” just underneath

Menu bar Learners/Manage highlighted

Import a large batch of users

Got a big list of users to add that's ready to go? Use a CSV to import everyone in no time! 

They should each follow this format:

Proper Format for CSV Submission

Let's get importing!

  • MOUSE-OVER and select "Upload a CSV"

  • CONFIRM that your CSV content looks just like "Sample CSV Contents"

  • SELECT an existing Group for users to be added using the drop-down menu 

  • "CHOOSE FILE" to upload from your computer

  • COPY the CSV contents

  • PASTE into "Paste CSV contents"


  • LOOK OVER AND CONFIRM your user's data looks good

  • "SAVE" to complete!

Self-Registration Link

Need to add a lot of users but don't have all their info? Do certain users need to be added to more than one Group? Create a link that lets users register themselves under a specific training manager and Group(s). They'll fill in their email address, first name, and last name all on their own!

Self-Registration Link List with Different Statuses

Get that link out in the open! 

  • MOUSE-OVER and select "Self-Registration Link"

  • SELECT "Add Link" (top-left corner)

  • CREATE a name for the link

  • SELECT an expiration date

  • DECIDE the maximum amount of users that can register using the link

  • SELECT existing Groups for users to be added using the drop-down menu

Don't want to specify a date, number, or Group? Leave it blank!

Note: if you opt to create several unique Self-Registration Links, make sure the correct ones are provided to those who should have it!

Single User

Only have a few users to add? Maybe just a single new employee? This is the option for you!

Manually enter the details for a single user: 

  • MOUSE-OVER and select "Single User"

  • FILL-IN the new user's First Name, Last Name, Email, and language preference

  • SELECT the drop-down menu under “Roles”

  • CHOOSE between “learner” (new learner) -or- "admin” (new administrator)

  • SELECT the drop-down menu under “Groups”

  • CHOOSE the one(s) you want the user to be linked with

  • SAVE to finish the job


To keep it super simple, you can also send your new registrants to your instance's main page and have them self-register there! All they need to do is fill in the requested fields.

Note their details and associated Groups can be modified at any time!

Disable Standard Registration

Don't want future users to register through your instance's main page? Disabling standard registration ensures that users can only register for your LLXP through a self-registration link (when SSO is not forced)!

Disable Standard Registration section

Restrict Registration Domains

When you want to limit registrants to those with a specific email domain (the part of the email after the "@" sign), you can specify which one(s) to allow using this handy tool:

Restrict Registration Domains Option

For example, if you specified "," any and all email addresses that end with anything but "" will be refused! This ensures only those with an authorized email address can properly register.

Automatic Group Membership

Every user on LemonadeLXP must be included in at least one Group.

To make it easier, especially if you enable SSO which won't allow custom configuration of Groups, use this feature to choose a Group that every new user will automatically be enrolled in:

Automatic Group Membership with Available Drop-Down List

This way, no one will be missed, and everyone can get learning right away!

Forced SSO Exemptions

In cases where a user needs to be able to access your instance but does not have an SSO with you (e.g., a contractor, an external partner, etc.), adding their IP addresses here will ensure they (and only they!) can get in without requiring SSO.

Forced SSO Exemptions section

One More Thing!

When a new user is invited to the platform, we recommend that the device they use to register themselves is the same one used to verify their email! That means if they register using their laptop, they should verify their email using that same laptop.

If they don't do this, the verification process may be delayed as the system won't recognize their new device - better to do it all with the same one!

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