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How to Play a Scenario Step

Know whether your conversation is going well, or... not so much

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

The Scenario training game focuses on your conversation skills.

When playing this Step, you must navigate a simulated real-world discussion on a specific topic with another "person," such as a customer or colleague. Topics can range from selling a product to a customer, managing a tricky situation such as a bullying complaint, or simply discussing company procedures.

Each time your conversation partner "says" something, you'll be offered up to four answer options to choose from.

Scenario character with dialogue and answer options

Your goal is to understand the character's wants and needs, as well as your role in the Scenario (e.g., sales associate, manager, colleague, etc.), so you can respond in the best way possible by choosing the perfect answer for each of the character's dialogues.

Identifying Best and Worst Conversation Paths

When you choose an answer, the character will respond both in dialogue and in reaction! Though their response is always important, pay attention to how they react to understand whether your answer was good, neutral, or inappropriate.

Note that for graded Scenario Steps, you will also be awarded or subtracted points depending on their reaction! This is important, as you can only achieve a perfect grade by choosing the perfect answer for each discussion point.

Good answers

When you choose correctly, the character will react in a pleased way and you will be awarded some points! Look for a green thumbs-up as the character radiates stars like so:

Scenario character positive reaction

Neutral answers

Choosing a "neutral" option that gives zero points will cause the character to appear awkward as they respond to your answer. A sideways yellow thumb and a "sweat drop" will be seen for this one:

Inappropriate answers

An inappropriate answer will have you lose points because the character is upset or unhappy with your choice of words. If you see a red thumbs-down and some unhappy "zaps" appear, that was definitely the wrong thing to say:

Keep That Conversation Going

At the bottom of the screen, you'll find a glowing bar that's slowly shrinking as you converse. This is your timer!

Scenario timer bar

The timer is just a visual effect and does not impact your score, so don't worry if it runs out.

Why is there a timer?

Just like a real-life conversation, time passes as you engage with each other. The timer is a visual reminder that as you're deciding what to say next, the person you're speaking with is actively waiting for your reply — try not to make them wait too long!

Assessing and Improving Your Results

For each answer you choose, points are awarded, held, or subtracted from your overall score for the round. But how do you know exactly how many points each answer option gave/took away from you? don't! Well, except for the neutral response, which is always worth zero points!

Just like a real-life conversation, the only way to gauge how well you answered each discussion point is by the end result: did you or did you not fully address and help the person you spoke with?

If you get a 100% grade, you found the perfect path and helped them out in the best of ways! Congratulations!

Got less than 100%? Consider how the character reacted along the way, and aim to try something different (and hopefully better) the next time you find yourself in that conversation.

When choosing all the good answers doesn't give you a perfect grade

Sometimes, even though you did great, you could still do better.

For any character dialogue, there could be more than one answer that awards points! The perfect answer will award more points than the not-perfect (but still appropriate) option, because the perfect answer is the goal!

If you find that you got the "green light" for all your answers and yet didn't get a perfect grade, consider your answer options! Perhaps you chose a great answer that didn't include the customer's name, and your company has a policy that includes using the customer's name when you speak with them — that means the perfect answer will likely include the customer's name!

For example:

  • Good answer: "Good afternoon! How may I help you today?"

  • Perfect answer: "Good afternoon, Mr. Clide! How may I help you today?"

Alternate conversation paths

People don't all react the same way in a particular situation, and the Scenario character is no exception!

As you replay some Scenario Steps, you may expect the character to react the same way they have before, only to encounter a new dialogue you've never seen.

For example, let's say you offered a free service along with a product you just sold the character, and they usually respond with:

  • Reaction 1: "Wow, and I get that for free because of the product? Yes, let's do it!"

During one of your replays, instead of getting Reaction 1, you get this:

  • Reaction 2: "Ugh, I have enough stuff already, why do I need that service anyway?"

Reactions can be so unpredictable sometimes!

If this happens to you, don't fret! Use your wit to navigate this unexpected reaction to the best of your ability, taking note of how you got there and how well you move forward from it.

And remember: Scenario is a safe-space to practice your discussion points, so practice away! By doing so, you'll become better equipped to navigate these conversations in real-life for more successful results — go you!

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