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How Scenario Points Work

The math behind the point system

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

Scenarios always start the learner with zero points. For every answer they choose, the learner will either get more points, lose points, or get nothing. When they've completed the training game, the total number of points they collected are used to grade how well they did.

But how does that work, exactly?

- The basics -

LemonadeLXP takes the highest point amount possible and uses it as the max available score. It then uses that number to figure out a percentage based off of the learner's final score.

Let's say the highest amount of points a learner can earn is 100. That means 100 points = a grade of 100%.

Basic Calculation of Points Using Conversation Boxes

If a learner finishes the training game with only 40 points, however, they will be given a grade of 40%. (Their score, 40, divided by the maximum possible score of 100).

Comparison of Ideal Point Path and Unideal Point Path

Since zero will always = 0%, a learner's score can never go below zero (even if they answer poorly and incur a loss of points).

Comparison of Ideal Point Path and All-Negative Points Path

- Same calculation every time -

This same formula will be used with any maximum point value, no matter how big or small.

If the maximum points possible is 20:

  • 20 points = 100%

  • 8 points = 40% (8 points divided by 20)

If the maximum is 8 points:

  • 8 points = 100%

  • 3 points = 38% (3 divided by 8)

If the maximum is 2 points:

  • 2 points = 100%

  • 1 point = 50%

Keep this in mind as you assign points to your conversation path, and always make sure the perfect path has the most points!

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