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How to Build a Scenario Step

Imagine a Scenario where you've completed this Step - we'll show you how to make it happen with our upgraded editor!

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago
Scenario Step Icon

Our conversation editor makes Scenario building a breeze!

Simulate a real-world interaction, with some randomness injected into the mix, where learners try to maximize their score by answering customers in the best way possible.

Start with these basics, then move on to some more advanced customization options when you're ready!

How to build

To begin:

  • CREATE and CONFIGURE your Scenario Step

  • SELECT a character to play the customer role

  • LAUNCH Scenario Editor

From here, you'll be creating the customer's conversation, and the learner's possible responses, starting with the first thing the customer will "say" in this Scenario.

Create a conversation

Start by ENTERING the customer's opening dialogue in "Scenario Text."

Character's Start Dialogue Blank

Then, fill in and REPEAT as needed:

Add and reward learner answer options

  • SELECT "Add Response"

  • TYPE a possible answer in "Response Text"

  • SELECT the "+" sign to create a response path

  • SELECT the new path

  • ASSIGN a "Reward or penalty point value" for that answer path

  • SAVE the point value

  • ENTER the customer's response dialogue in the new "Scenario Text" box

Character Dialogue Connections with Connector Properties Window

End a conversation path

  • DECIDE which customer responses will end the conversation (and end the game)

  • DO NOT ADD RESPONSE - leave the customer's reply only! 

Alternate Character Reactions, Positive and Negative

The complete picture

When complete, the grid will be full of dialogue boxes and connections representing all your conversations and reply reactions, like so:

Full Character and Player Dialogue Overview

"FINISH" to finish it up. Whew! You're done!

Note: Scenarios are designed to have multiple conversation paths; as such, linear Scenarios that only offer one answer option for each customer dialogue will not grade properly! Always include at least one customer dialogue box with 2-4 answer options to ensure the training game works as intended.

Hot Tip!

Check out our Guide to Maximizing Each Step Type's Teaching Potential for some hot tips on this and other Step types!

Try an Alternate Approach

Our Guide to Training Game-Specific Variations offers even more ways to approach this and other Step types!

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