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Intermediate Challenge: IT Community
Intermediate Challenge: IT Community

Leslie from IT has encountered a bit of a conundrum!

Joël avatar
Written by Joël
Updated over a week ago

The Situation:

Much to her surprise, Eric, the head of Business Analysis let Leslie know that some of her staff come off as a bit abrasive while interacting with his team!

The Challenge:

Leslie has approached you in the hopes that you could create a training game that could help her staff better interact with business analysts… Only catch is, she would prefer it if the business analysts didn’t see the training.

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Just Show Me How!

Follow the steps as shown below...

PART 1: Create a group for Leslie's staff!

1) Go to the "Learners"/"Groups" page to create a new group

Admin Panel Learners/Groups Page

2) Enter the group's details and set free registration to "No"

Create a Group for Leslie's Team

3) Add group name translations and save

Add Group Name Translations

PART 2: Create a training game!

1) Go to "Author"/"Steps" and create a new training game of your choosing

Go to Author/Steps and Create New Step

2) Configure the step's details

Add Step Details

3) Add and finalize relevant content, then save

Finalize Step Content and Save

PART 3: Create a course!

1) Go to "Author"/"Courses" and create a new course

Go to Author/Courses and Create New Course

2) Add an image and details to the course

Set Course Details

3) Add the training game created in Step 2 and uncheck "enforce order" box

Add Step from Step 2 to Course and Remove Step Order Enforcement

4) Assign course to Leslie's group, publish immediately, and save!

Finalize Course Details

Well done!

Leslie's team now has access to learning content that will improve their relationship with the IT team, and only they can see it!

Want to try another one? Check out our other challenges in our Learning Library!

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