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How to Build a Simulation Step

Simulate real-time navigation with this Demo step variation

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago
Demo Step Icon

Simulation Step is a variation of Demo, one of the more advanced Steps to create!

Learners will interact with a series of images that highlight interactive spots to simulate how an app, program, or website navigates.

How to Build

To begin:

Create your simulation

Launch Demo Editor button
  • SELECT "Launch Demo Editor"

Turn on Simulator Mode button
  • SELECT "Turn on Simulator Mode" (from bottom menu options)

From here, REPEAT as needed!

- Choose your image -

To upload a new image:

Upload new image icon
  • SELECT the cloud with the "up" arrow in the middle of the screen

  • FIND the image you wish to use

  • CHOOSE the image

To use an existing image:

Launch Asset Manager button
  • SELECT "Launch Asset Manager"

  • FIND the image you wish to use

  • HOVER over the image


Screen Name text box

Once selected, ENTER a "Screen Name" to identify the image you're using.

- Create hot spots -

  • OPEN a stage

  • DECIDE where your "hot spots" will be (where learners will click)

  • CLICK, HOLD, AND DRAG mouse over the area you want to use

Hot spot size/location options
  • ADJUST position/size as needed

- Add additional stages -

Add new stage "+" sign option
  • SELECT the "+" sign to add your next stage

  • REPEAT above steps until all needed images have been added

- Establish navigation -

  • OPEN a stage

  • SELECT a hot spot

Jump to Step icon
  • SELECT "Jump to Step" from the HotSpot menu

  • CHOOSE which stage will open when hot spot is selected

  • REPEAT for each hot spot on each stage

Once you're done, SELECT "Finish!"

Final touches

- Exit Summary -

Exit Summary section
  • WRITE an "Exit Summary" that learners will see when the last stage is complete. (E.g. "Great Job! You now know how to deposit checks through our app!")

- Completion Action -

Completion Action section

When you want learners to put what they just learned into practice or simply view the web page/application, you can link to it from here!

To do this:

  • UPLOAD an appropriate image

  • ENTER "Link Text" (such as "Try it for yourself!")

  • ENTER "Link URL" (the web page where the actual program is)

  • ENTER "Action Description" (explain what the learner will be doing in more detail)

Make your simulation available to the public!

In addition to all of the above, you can also include any Demo Step you create in a public-facing page!

Digital Academy

Our Digital Academy makes it easy to offer your collection of demos (and videos) to the public - no coding knowledge required! All it takes is a few clicks and it's ready to roll!

Embedding code in an external site

To embed the code into your own site, load the LemonadeLXP Demo Player javascript and use this embed directive to reuse compelling employee demos as you see fit! Coding knowledge is essential here!

Embedded Code Available Options

Hot Tip!

Check out our Guide to Maximizing Each Step Type's Teaching Potential for some hot tips on this and other Step types!

Need some help with images?

Read our Demo Step Images and Flow Guide!

Try an Alternate Approach

Our Guide to Training Game-Specific Variations offers even more ways to approach this and other Step types!

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