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How to Build a Polygraph Step

This article will teach administrators how to compose a Polygraph Step - No lie!

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago
Polygraph Step Icon

The Polygraph Step is almost as fun to create as it is to play!

Learners will read a block of text and try to identify which words or phrases are incorrect. The more seamless the text, the more deceived they will be.

How to build

To begin:

From here, REPEAT as often as you like:

  • HIGHLIGHT a word or phrase that you want to replace

  • SELECT "Add Deviation"

  • SELECT "Add Another Deviation"

  • TYPE your replacement text for the highlighted word or phrase

Once done:

  • CHOOSE how many Deviations are shown in the game

  • REVIEW your work and SAVE to complete!

Hot Tip!

Check out our Guide to Maximizing Each Step Type's Teaching Potential for some hot tips on this and other Step types!

Try an Alternate Approach

Our Guide to Training Game-Specific Variations offers even more ways to approach this and other Step types!

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