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How to Build a Sequence Step
Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

Sequence Step Icon

Learners are tasked with organizing several list items by placing them in the correct order of importance.

How to build

To begin:

  • CREATE and CONFIGURE your Sequence Step

  • DECIDE if you want your questions shuffled each time the Step is played

  • SELECT the number of questions per round

  • SELECT "Add Question"

From here you'll REPEAT as needed, adding steps in order from most important/first to least important/last:

  • TYPE question in "Please type your question text"

  • SELECT "Add Step"

  • TYPE step in "Please describe this step in the sequence"

  • TYPE feedback if step position is incorrect

Once the number of questions you've entered = the number per round, REVIEW your hard work and "SAVE" when ready.

Hot Tip!

Check out our Guide to Maximizing Each Step Type's Teaching Potential for some hot tips on this and other Step types!

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