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Step Patterns

Decide how to group your Steps and what their collective teaching focus will be

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over 2 years ago

There are several ways you can approach Step creation and grouping, whether it be introducing several topics in one Course or collecting supplemental Steps to test learners' know-how.

Though the best Step pattern fit will often become apparent as you create your training games, it's a good idea to have a general understanding of how you want each collection of Steps to work together and what their focus should be as you move forward.

Which of the following best fits your content goal?

Pattern 1 - The Introduction

List of steps focusing on different topics

The situation:

Your content spreads across many topics and categories and you want your learners to be fairly familiar with them going in.

Make it happen:

  • COLLECT introductory Steps for each topic

The result:

Learners gain a general understanding of all included topics.

Pattern 2 - The Build Up

List of steps starting with basic info and increasing in information

The situation:

You’ve got content that gets progressively harder and want your learners to complete them in a specific order.

Make it happen:

  • BUILD your content up from the bare basics to maximum output

  • ENFORCE play order for added effect

The result:

Learners are eased in to the topic, starting with general knowledge and progressing into more details as they go along.

Pattern 3 - The Supplemental

List of steps each focusing on helping a specific customer

The situation:

Your learners know your content and you want them to practice (and prove!) their general know-how.

Make it happen:

  • CREATE a supplemental Course that has learners practice one specific thing

The result:

Learners get to review and practice what they know, helping identify how well they've absorbed their learnings.

Pattern 4 - The Supplemental Build Up Hybrid

List of steps increasing in difficulty

The situation:

You want your knowledgeable learners to prove they know their stuff in an incremental way.

Make it happen:

  • CREATE a "build up" Course focusing on a single topic

The result:

Learners test their wits on a particular subject in ascending level of difficulty.

Pattern 5 - The Practice What You Preach

List of steps alternating between introducing information and reviewing information

The situation:

You want to integrate and enforce learned materials as soon as they’ve been learned to emphasize their importance.

Make it happen:

  • ALTERNATE learning materials with supplemental Steps

The result:

Learners are introduced to new content, then immediately review it, reinforcing what they've just learned.

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