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How to Format Course and Step Descriptions

Change their look using markdowns!

Ania Kwak avatar
Written by Ania Kwak
Updated over a week ago

When creating content for your learners, you may want to structure your Course or Step's descriptions to look a certain way. When you do, use markdowns!

Markdowns are codes used to change the look of text, from making a word look bold, to adding a space between paragraphs. This is done by enclosing select words or phrases by specific characters.

When creating your Step and Course descriptions, the most common ones you may wish to include are:

***bold and italic***

<p>Separate text into paragraphs.</p>

<p>Separate by line.<br>
Each sentence will have its own line.<br>
Start the next paragraph when done.</p>

Curious what else you can do with your text?

 Check out this Markdown Guide for other options (along with great examples of how each one works)!

"<" ">" brackets won't work outside of descriptions

For security reasons, these brackets cannot be used outside of Course and Step descriptions.

For text content, consider using alternate characters such as square brackets "[" "]" instead.

For mathematical content, write out "less than" or "greater than" instead of "<" or ">", respectively.

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