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Technical Tidbits
Useful guides that don't really fit anywhere else!
Adding NS entries to a GoDaddy DomainQuick video that shows how to create two NS entries for Cloudflare, using GoDaddy.
Getting the Best/Fastest Experience in LemonadeLXPOur network is VERY FAST - but there are many other factors. Let's help you get the best experience possible.
CAA Records and CloudflareBe careful of the impact of adding CAA records to your DNS zone files!
Embedding Digital Academy into FreshDesk ArticlesNot your typical cut and paste!
Can I see your product roadmap for the next year?About how we plan, and how it works.
DNSSEC and Cloudflare SubdomainsEnabling DNSSEC at the parent domain? Do this to prevent downtime.
Cloudflare Ciphers on TLS 1.3Compliance for .bank domains
Requesting FeaturesMaking LemonadeLXP incredible together!