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Help! My SCORM Package never "ends"!

What's happening when SCORM doesn't "finish"

Alex Lemaire avatar
Written by Alex Lemaire
Updated over a week ago

The SCORM protocol allows you to craft courseware that doesn't emit a grade, or truly "finish" at all.

The CMI SCORM 1.2 API fires a multitude of events, but because of the differences in model, only a few of them are supported by LemonadeLXP (the rest won't throw errors, but are passively ignored).

Because it is a bit of a clash of paradigms, SCORM with potentially very long courseware (supported by bookmarking) and relatively very bare tracking, and LemonadeLXP with its micro-learning and completion-required approach - your SCORM packages may need some tweaking.

Your SCORM packages must:

  1. Be bundled as SCORM 1.2 packages (LemonadeLXP supports no other format).

  2. Call the LMSInitialize method on startup

  3. Call the LMSFinish method when the course should end

If your SCORM package emits a grade, its grade must be written before the LMSFinish event is stored. The SCORM spec will write the grade to cmi.core.score.raw - this is the grade that is stored by LemonadeLXP.

If your SCORM package does not emit a grade, make sure to configure this detail appropriately in the Step Editor's details section.

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